Archive for September 30th, 2007


Firefox 2 and VeohTV Player. Will they last?

September 30, 2007

Yay! I’ve gotten the new Firefox 2 (again) and the VeohTV Player (again). It seems they don’t last. I mean, the just don’t work after sometime. I might be because I’m not an administrator on this computer. Don’t ask why, this is just the way it is. And I loathe it. I can’t wait for the day when I can control my computer. Isn’t that stupid? I will be the one to make all the decisions on my computer. Me and me alone.

Now that that’s over, today was supposed to be my catch up day on dramas. As I type, I downloading 4 to watch. Of course, I can’t watch them at the moment, so I’m doing my blog. Good use of time.

Next weekend I plan on watching the Paprika movie and the Bleach movie. They’ve been just sitting on my to watch list and I haven’t had the time. Also, the fall season of anime is coming too soon. I still need to finish quite a few and to catch up on SkyGirls TV, Hayate no Gotoku and Bleach. The episodes just keep adding up and once again, I don’t have the time to watch them. Why? Well, for one, I watch too many animes at the same time. It seems to be my problem. And two, I have limited computer time. If I had all the time possible, I’d catch up with everything. The world is so cruel.

I also have a problem with wallpapers. I change my mind too quickly. Can’t I just find the perfect one? It never seems to happen.

Oh, and once again, I’m procrastinating. I should really be working on my Biology Plant Project, but Plants are so boring. I can’t seem to concentrate. My grade depends on it though, so I have to do it. If I could still get a B and not do the project, I wouldn’t even glance at it. I despise projects. They’re too time-consuming. Homework-okay, but projects make me think more than I want to. I try to reserve my memory for anime, and manga, etc. Don’t make me waste it on unimportant things, teachers.

I don’t know if I mentioned this last post, but my Creative Writing teacher is urging me to join a club. Something about it looks good for college and I need volunteer hours. I don’t get it about the clubs, but I’ve always known I needed to do volunteer stuff. Truthfully, I don’t see why; why should I help other people? If you wanna say I’m selfish, go right ahead. It’s true, anyways. I value my needs way above other peoples. Helping people is not beneficial, so I don’t wanna do it. If only that’s the way it could be…..

Downloads take a long time. At least one will be done in 10 minutes…..

I’m really looking forward to the new anime season, especially Clannad and few others. It’s not that I don’t want it to come, it’s just not convenient at the moment. I mean, who doesn’t wanna watch new anime? That’s rhetorical, don’t answer…

That’s about it. Have a happy sunday, peoples. Realtives are coming over next weekend, for my mom’s birthday. You don’t even have guess that I won’t like it. I have to entertain my little, what, 9-year old cousin? Kids are so complicated…..
-Yumi aka Natalie